
In order to give the articles in The Journal of the ACMS a consistent format and to ease the work of the editor, we ask you follow these guidelines:

  1. Please submit your article electronically in Word, .pdf or LaTex format.
  2. Use Times New Roman 12 point type unless some special item requires a different font.
  3. Use one inch margins all around.
  4. Put your title, name, and institutional affiliation at the top of page 1, not on a separate title page. Center them and set the font of the title to 14 point bold.
  5. Indent the first line of each paragraph 0.5”. Allow 5 point spacing before and after each paragraph. Use single spacing.
  6. If you use quotations that are not embedded in a line of text, italicize them, indent them 0.5”, and leave a blank line before and after each one.
  7. Section headings should be boldfaced and aligned on the left.
  8. Use endnotes, not footnotes.
  9. Include your bibliography at the end, alphabetized by author. In the case of multiple works by the same author, sequence them by date. Be sure that every entry in your bibliography is actually referenced in the paper. References in your text should be parenthesized and point to the bibliography by author and date – for example, (Neuhouser, 1998).
  10. Along with the final version of your paper, submit an abstract in a separate file as it will be published separately.